Requisiti di accesso, obiettivi e sbocchi


Optional titles (to choose from following)
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  • [TS] -


Access to further study.

The qualification gives access to master's degree courses and first level university master's courses

Professional status.

Generic Profile: The training received by the student during the three-year course of study allows him, once he has obtained the first level qualification, to be able to enter the world of work with tasks proportionate to his preparation, both in public administrations, central and peripheral, and in private ones, given the growing importance that international relations assume even in the context of small and medium-sized companies. The acquired knowledge allows the graduate in Political Science and International Relations a great flexibility in the choice of the various job opportunities, which require multidisciplinary training and specific knowledge in the international sector. In the contemporary political, economic and social context, the graduate of class L-36 can find employment, to give some examples, in international advice desks or as a consultant in the activities of projects funded by the European Union, or even in companies operating in the third sector. The acquired knowledge prepares for participation in competitions for EU and international institutions or in calls for proposals by NGOs dealing with development cooperation. Graduates of the course, acquiring the necessary methodological, professional and cultural skills provided by the legal-international, historical-political and socio-economic courses, in a specific way, will be able to carry out professional activities in national, European and international companies as well as in governmental, non-governmental and third sector organizations, such as centers for the management of the migration phenomenon, also operating in development and peace cooperation.

Generic Profile: The achievement of the three-year degree allows you to participate in public competitions that require a qualified professional figure, in particular in Europe and internationally; In addition, according to public selection procedures or through the assignment of assignments, it allows you to work at embassies, consulates, cultural institutes, offices of the regions and local authorities responsible for calls and European projects and, finally, in study centers specialized in the analysis of international political relations.

Generic Profile Career opportunities: - European and international governmental organizations - International non-governmental organizations and third sector organizations dealing with the promotion and protection of human rights, the environment and development - National, regional and local public administrations - Private, private, social and non-profit enterprises - Cooperatives and associations of the third sector - Centers for the management of the migration phenomenon - Centers operating in the cooperation for development and peace.

Obiettivi formativi specifici.

The Programme in Political Science and International Relations has the specific objective of offering a basic multidisciplinary training in particular in the following scientific fields: historical-political, legal-internationalistic and economic-social. All this in order to train professional figures with the necessary cultural background and specific skills to operate both in the national and supranational context. Figures able to carry out, therefore, activities of employees and employees in organizations operating in Europe and internationally. The three-year CoS also includes the presence of compulsory courses provided in English. The training course is aimed, above all, at the acquisition of multidisciplinary skills and provides the historical-institutional, socio-political, economic-legal and linguistic tools to interpret and manage complex organizational systems in the field of politics and global economy.The CoS also wants to stimulate students to develop a deep knowledge of public security systems and law enforcement actions against criminal organizations at international level. Graduates will mature their training, in line with the possible professional opportunities, through the acquisition of basic knowledge resulting from the study of qualifying disciplines of the sectors of the interdisciplinary area, which will acquire the ability to plan and implement operational strategies even of relative complexity. An appropriate strengthening with characterizing training activities chosen from those relating to all areas of the degree class, will allow graduates to develop the necessary mastery of method in empirical research to insert themselves usefully in European and international research or design organizations or in institutions and companies that have relations with foreign countries. The skills acquired will also allow you to work in embassies, consulates and cultural institutes, in the offices of local authorities that take care of relations with the European Union as well as in non-governmental organizations that deal with development cooperation and even in study centers specialized in analysis on Europe and non-European countries. In particular, the teaching of foreign languages is considered fundamental in the training course, providing the possibility for students to take the exam of three European foreign languages (one obligatory and two of their choice) and providing two cycles of language exercises for a reasonable number of credits. This is in order to prepare students to continue their studies in a master's degree projected towards training in international professions, but also to be able, already from the achievement of the three-year degree, to participate in competitions in NGOs and in the European Union where such training is a fundamental requirement.For foreign students who may attend the training course, courses will also be provided, on an optional basis, to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge of the Italian language. The preparation will be provided, as well as with traditional frontal activities, also through the attendance of specialized seminars, internship activities and operational simulations, with checks also in itinere. As well as with seminar-type activities. The relevant objective of the course is to provide graduates through an interdisciplinary approach with the necessary ability to adapt to professional contexts in continuous transformation, enabling them to operate not in terms of public/private juxtaposition, market/institutions, economy/law, but according to a systemic approach in which all the implications are fundamental to understand the complexity of international political scenarios. The course is divided into three years, the teaching activity is divided into semesters and organized into teaching modules with the possibility of taking ongoing tests defined during the teaching activity, finally, exams are provided.

Title conferred.


Language(s) of instruction/examination.